This script is for use with gvim.exe, mainly it supports the graphical user interface.

You can see a screenshot here.



If the download not work, store these Bitmaps into the ..\vimfiles\bitmaps directory. It is absolutly necessary to store the files using the right file names. They are referenced in the vim script.








... and copy and paste the script below in your ..\vimfiles\plugin directory.

" Vim support file to colorize single words
" Maintainer:    Andreas Thoelke
" Last Change:   2005 Sep. 20
" Version:       1.0.0
" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Install:       Copy this file into the plugin directory so it will be automatically
"                sourced.
"                Copy the files: 
"                    lightBlue.bmp
"                    lightCyan.bmp
"                    lightGreen.bmp
"                    lightMagenta.bmp
"                    lightRed.bmp
"                    lightYellow.bmp
"                    white.bmp
"                into the directory bitmaps so they will be placed into the toolbar
" Usage:         Place the cursor over the word you want to mark and press the TextMarker
"                button in the toolbar or place the mouse cursor over the word you want
"                to mark and use the right mouse button menue or place the mouse cursor
"                over the word you want to mark and press the middle (wheel) mouse button.
"                Using the middle mouse button will colorize the words in different colors
"                for each mouse click.  "
" This TextMarker feature was tested with gvim 6.3 and Win2K/WinXP. May be there
" are some configurations necessary for different mouse models ... At least the
" "set mousemodel=popup" should be used.
" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

" counting words in bigger files takes too much time
let gtmMaxLinesToCount = 5000

let gtmColorIndex = "1"
let gtmColor_1 = "gTextMarker_1"
let gtmColor_2 = "gTextMarker_2"
let gtmColor_3 = "gTextMarker_3"
let gtmColor_4 = "gTextMarker_4"
let gtmColor_5 = "gTextMarker_5"
let gtmColor_6 = "gTextMarker_6"
let gtmColorIndexMax = 6

hi gTextMarker_1    ctermfg=black   ctermbg=lightgreen     guifg=black  guibg=lightgreen
hi gTextMarker_2    ctermfg=black   ctermbg=lightred       guifg=black  guibg=lightred
hi gTextMarker_3    ctermfg=black   ctermbg=lightblue      guifg=black  guibg=lightblue
hi gTextMarker_4    ctermfg=black   ctermbg=lightmagenta   guifg=black  guibg=lightmagenta
hi gTextMarker_5    ctermfg=black   ctermbg=lightcyan      guifg=black  guibg=lightcyan
hi gTextMarker_6    ctermfg=grey    ctermbg=yellow         guifg=grey40 guibg=lightyellow

amenu ToolBar.LightGreen        :call TextMarker(gtmColor_1)<cr>
amenu ToolBar.LightRed          :call TextMarker(gtmColor_2)<cr>
amenu ToolBar.LightBlue         :call TextMarker(gtmColor_3)<cr>
amenu ToolBar.LightMagenta      :call TextMarker(gtmColor_4)<cr>
amenu ToolBar.LightCyan         :call TextMarker(gtmColor_5)<cr>
amenu ToolBar.LightYellow       :call TextMarker(gtmColor_6)<cr>
amenu <silent> ToolBar.White    :syntax on<cr>:let gtmColorIndex = "1"<cr>

" using <leftmouse> to put the cursor to the actual mouse position
:menu 1.05 PopUp.Text\ Marker.Light\ Green              <leftmouse>:call TextMarker(gtmColor_1)<cr>
:menu 1.05 PopUp.Text\ Marker.Light\ Red                <leftmouse>:call TextMarker(gtmColor_2)<cr>
:menu 1.05 PopUp.Text\ Marker.Light\ Blue               <leftmouse>:call TextMarker(gtmColor_3)<cr>
:menu 1.05 PopUp.Text\ Marker.Light\ Magenta            <leftmouse>:call TextMarker(gtmColor_4)<cr>
:menu 1.05 PopUp.Text\ Marker.Light\ Cyan               <leftmouse>:call TextMarker(gtmColor_5)<cr>
:menu 1.05 PopUp.Text\ Marker.Light\ Yellow             <leftmouse>:call TextMarker(gtmColor_6)<cr>
:menu 1.05 PopUp.Text\ Marker.-Sep-                     :
:menu <silent> 1.05 PopUp.Text\ Marker.Remove\ Marks    :syntax on<cr>:let gtmColorIndex = "1"<cr>
:menu 1.05 PopUp.-Sep-                                  :

map <middlemouse> <leftmouse>:call MouseTextMarker()<cr>

func! WordOccurrence(searchfor)
    let n = 1
    let cnt = 0
    " search case sensitive and whole words only
    let searchforic = "\\<" . a:searchfor . "\\>\\C"
    let line = getline(n)
    let lastline = line("$")
    if lastline < g:gtmMaxLinesToCount
        while n <= lastline
            let pos = match(line, searchforic, 0)
            while pos != -1
                let cnt = cnt + 1
                let pos = match(line, searchforic, pos + 1)
            let n = n + 1
            let line = getline(n)
        if cnt == 0
            echo "\"" . a:searchfor . "\" not found"
            echo "\"" . a:searchfor . "\" marked ". cnt . " time(s)"
        echo "too many lines to count \"" . a:searchfor . "\""

func! TextMarker(color)
    let searchfor = expand("<cword>")
    if strlen(searchfor) == 0 || match(searchfor, "[a-z,A-Z,0-9]", 0) == -1
        echohl ErrorMsg
        echo "Please position cursor to the word to be marked"
        echohl None
        execute "syntax keyword " . a:color . " " . searchfor . ' containedin=ALL'
        call WordOccurrence(searchfor)

func! MouseTextMarker()
    call TextMarker(g:gtmColor_{g:gtmColorIndex})
    let g:gtmColorIndex = g:gtmColorIndex + 1
    if g:gtmColorIndex > g:gtmColorIndexMax
        let g:gtmColorIndex = "1"
